
Two boys stand with fishing gear and smile big at the camera
Photo courtesy of The Humble Hustle

New Cohort of Outdoor Grantees Invites Youth Outside

Across all of our grant programs, NRF is ultimately working towards a world in which all kids can spend time outside in ways they enjoy and feel prepared to contribute meaningfully to a better future for themselves,

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A group of people stand in a circle outside with their arms around each other
Photo courtesy of Zuni Youth Enrichment Project

Communities of Care: Siċaŋġu Health Initiative and Zuni Youth Enrichment Project

Often, the real magic of successful youth programs is creating a community of care. Care for each other, care for oneself, and care for the environment are at the root of the work NRF grantees do with kids. While these

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NRF Announces 2024 Special Grant and Trustee Grant Recipients

The National Recreation Foundation is pleased to announce its 2024 Special Grant and Trustee Grant recipients. More than $1.38K was distributed to 41 organizations across 23 states. NRF is proud to invest in these

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A group of children stand together outside and smile at the camera

Building Empathy Through Youth Recreation

Empathy is the human trait of understanding the feelings of someone else and experiencing those emotions on some level as your own. Empathy is critical to our collective hopes for creating a more just and sustainable

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Kids work together outside
Photo courtesy of Urban Adventure Squad

Grantee Spotlight: Urban Adventure Squad

Meaningful experiences in the outdoors can happen anywhere. While the U.S. has an impressive array of wilderness areas, national parks, and more remote outdoor spaces, there are even more city parks, urban greenways,

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A group of people sit around a table having a conversation

NRF Is Committed to Grantee Partnership

Philanthropic organizations exist to create a better world and support positive change. Sometimes, however, common philanthropic practices perpetuate the very inequalities and social issues nonprofit organizations seek

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