
Blog Entries - climate change

A child hugs an adult while closing their eyes

Youth Mental Health Requires Increased Attention

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. While mental health is an important issue for people of all ages, recent trends point to a youth mental health crisis across the United States. Specifically, rates of substance

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A child shades their eyes while holding a water bottle

Extreme Heat Poses Risks to Youth Recreation

Spring is here, which means it’s the time of year when temperatures start rising and lots of people start spending more time outside. While there are many fun outdoor activities available year round, warmer weather

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A group of young people stand in the street holding signs

The Link Between Environment and Mental Health

Many traditional indicators of youth well-being are showing positive trends. Drug use, smoking, and pregnancy rates are down among teenagers and high school graduation rates are on the rise. This is good news, but the

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A group of people work together planting trees
Photo courtesy of Para La Naturaleza

Replenishing Forests, One Tree at a Time

Deforestation is a major issue facing our world today. From 2015 to 2020, almost 25 million acres of forest were lost each year. The loss of forests releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere accelerating climate

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A group of children stands outside and smiles at the camera

New Research Sheds Light on Pathways for Nature Connection

Connection to nature is an important pathway for conservation behavior. Strong connections to the environment form most easily in childhood when exposure to environmental education is more common. Experiences ranging

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A young child runs through a puddle while wearing rain gear

Outdoor Recreation and Climate Change

Historically, outdoor recreation and environmental conservation often were interconnected. For example, the national park system in the U.S. was established both to conserve natural resources and create places for

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