
Blog Entries - outdoor recreation

Kids in bright vests play together on a field
Photo courtesy of Beyond the Ball

New Impact Grants Support Newcomer Youth in Chicago

The Chicago area is now home to a significant number of newcomer families who have recently arrived in the United States. While it can be difficult to track exactly how many new arrivals have landed in Chicago, some

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NRF is Hiring!



Operations Associate

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NRF Announces 2024 Special Grant and Trustee Grant Recipients

The National Recreation Foundation is pleased to announce its 2024 Special Grant and Trustee Grant recipients. More than $1.38K was distributed to 41 organizations across 23 states. NRF is proud to invest in these

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A group of children stand together outside and smile at the camera

Building Empathy Through Youth Recreation

Empathy is the human trait of understanding the feelings of someone else and experiencing those emotions on some level as your own. Empathy is critical to our collective hopes for creating a more just and sustainable

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Manny Almonte Awarded NRF’s 2023 Crawford Prize

"We all belong outdoors. We all want to be seen. We all want to be heard. We all want to be understood. When we create spaces for that to happen and we use nature to activate all of our senses and to remove the focus

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A group of teens stand holding upright surf boards on a beach
Photo courtesy of Native Like Water

Indigenizing Outdoor Recreation

Due to historical and present day forms of racism, including the legacy of colonialism, many Indigenous communities do not have access to the same services and resources as predominantly white communities. Indigenous

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